U-Dump Trailers, LLC

Primary Platforms
Google Ads and Meta Ads

About the Client
U-Dump Trailers is a trailer manufacturer in Ocala, FL specializing in dump trailers and roll off trailers. They sell their trailers all over North America and have been in business since 1980.

The Problem
U-Dump did most of its marketing digitally, having both a wholesale website and a retail website. When I came on board, they already had a significant advertising budget on both Google Ads and Facebook (Meta) Ads. They were using a local marketing firm to manage their advertising.

The Solution
My first task was to improve the existing websites – both for appearance and user experience. I created several new landing pages with clear calls-to-action and easy conversion pathways. I improved lead tracking so we could get a better idea of ROI, and then completely rebuilt all ad campaigns to more appropriately target keywords and optimize budget distribution. Ongoing A/B split testing continued to improve ad performance, as well as significantly increasing the number of conversions and sales.

More than 500% Increase in Conversions within 12 Months

Improved ad efficiency also significantly decreased the cost of each conversion and customer, which encouraged the client to invest more into the advertising budget over time.

Associated Cost-Per-Conversion in Same 12 Months

Cost Per Conversion

The improved advertising performance ultimately allowed the company to significantly expand it’s production facilities and construct a brand new sales and service center with an attached parts store.


Measurable Results Delivered


Increase in overall lead generation


Decrease in cost-per-conversion